Friday, March 19, 2010

How to Win the War, and Cut Costs!

One word can finish this war off.


It's so simple. Re-institute the draft. Get our size up, and our expenses down. How is this possible you ask? Well it's because right now there are BAJILLIONS of contracted civilians over here, making over 100k a year, doing work that a private could do just as well (if not better) and a private we could pay what, 25-30k?

We could easily have three times the personnel, and since they would be Soldiers, they'd have to actually work full days, not just be lazy all the time. One Soldier can probably easily do twice the work a civilian does in a day over here. SO, that means that we could multiply the productivity of our current civilian contractors by a factor of 6!

If we just did that, costs would go down, effectiveness would shoot through the roof, and this war would be over in no time.

So, the next time your congressman asks you how you feel about the draft, tell him you're all for it!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Irony is when you're in Afghanistan, looking out across a river, looking at a small serene village. You watch the children play in the field, watch the men and women harvest the corn.
You think how peaceful it is, how beautiful the scenery is, as you listen to Vivald's "Four Seasons."
And in the midst of that peaceful scene, you hear the sound of machine guns echoing throughout the valley.
But it doesn't change anything.
The children go on playing, the men and women go on harvesting.
And you shake your head and think to yourself what a wonderful place this could be.